The Undip Teaching Movement is an annual work program by Sosmas, where 2022 is the 10th year of implementing this activity. Aims to improve the quality of education, especially in the red zone of education in Indonesia. Through this activity, Undip students as one of the agents of change are trained to be sensitive to various problems, especially regarding the level of education in Indonesia which still needs attention. In contrast to the previous year’s concept, this year GUM collaborated with the Village Teaching Movement and expanded the scale to national so that later it could reach various regions that were considered to be still lagging behind in terms of education.

General Registration Requirements:

  1. Active students at Diponegoro University as evidenced by KTM
  2. Have good communication skills
  3. Have an interest in education
  4. Likes and can interact with children
  5. Committed to advancing Indonesian education and ready to carry out the GUM service program
  6. Responsible and able to maintain the good name of GUM

General requirements :

  1. Have read and understood the general terms of registration
  2. Must include a creative CV with a recent photo
  3. Include a portfolio for those who choose the Publication Media division (in the form of graphic design)
  4. Share twibbon via private Instagram feeds and tag 3 friends.
  5. Share pamphlets to 2 whatsapp/line groups and story instagram tags @undipmengajar
  6. Perform and complete registration *Deadline: Friday, April 23, 2022 at 23:59 WIB
  7. Registration links, twibbons, pamphlets, and captions can be downloaded at
  8. The collection of files is combined with a pdf format.

For those of you who want to take part in the sustainability of the nation’s intelligence, just register.

Note the important times and dates:

πŸ“Œ21 – 23 April 2022 (Registration)

πŸ“Œ26 April 2022 (Interview Schedule)

πŸ“Œ27 – 29 April 2022 (Interview)

πŸ“ŒApril 31, 2022 (Announcement)

Here’s the link for the GUM Staff Registration Volume X:

πŸ”—Registration Link

Registration File:

πŸ”—Download Registration File

Guidebook file:

πŸ”—Download Guidebook

CONTACT PERSON : Whatsapp / Line

“Moving Together to Educate the Nation, To Realize Indonesia’s Golden Generation 2045”


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