Tuesday (21/11/2023) – 24 Lecturers from the Jember University Agribusiness Study Program visited the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, for an Audience and Signing of a Cooperation Agreement. The activities carried out in the Theater Room, Building G, Floor 3, went smoothly. The Diponegoro University Agribusiness Study Program welcomes the initiation of this collaboration to increase networking and the possibility of collaboration in final project supervision, journal review, and many other activities that are useful for increasing the IKU. In the agenda for this hearing, both parties also discussed what facilities were available at each university. The facilities at FPP UNDIP are very comprehensive from the Agribusiness Subsystem side, namely upstream to downstream. FP UNEJ toured the facilities at FPP UNDIP starting from the Melon Greenhouse, Cattle and Goat Farm, Feed House, Milk Milking, Entrepreneur Teaching Laboratory, to the Chicken Closed House and Agrotechnopark.

“In the near future, we ask for permission to send 3 special delegations from FP UNEJ to study the cage system and the management scheme for this facility from upstream to downstream, so that it can be well integrated,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Soetriono, M.P as Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jember University.

The existence of this collaboration agreement, of course, not only benefits the Faculty but also develops research results and their downstreaming on a wider scale. It is hoped that the results of this research will be useful for farmers, the community and the general public.

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