Monday, 10th April 2023. One team of MBKM Internal Animal Science Study Program, FAAS, Universitas Diponegoro composed by 11 students of Animal Science from 3 batch (Batch 2017, 2018 dan 2019) involved with apprenticeship in poultry slaughterhouse of PT Sahabat Pangan Sejahtera, Kramat Distric, Tegal Regency. MBKM Internal Animal Science study program of Universitas Diponegoro team assisted by 3 lecturer lead by Ir. Daud Samsudewa, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D., IPM. and MBKM partners, PT Cemerlang Unggas Lestari, lead by Ruby Kustanto, S.Pt. accepted by the owner of PT. Sahabat Pangan Sejahtera, Mr. Bing Christian Sentot.

The activity of apprenticeship of Animal Science study program is held on 5 days from 10 to 14 April 2023. The activity include practice on chicken receiving, quality control, slaughter section, Carcassing process, parting Carcass, deboning carcass and carcass storage in blast freezer. The student industry internship activity at the poultry slaughterhouse was also a series of Internal MBKM activities that they previously carried out at PT. Cemerlang Unggas Lestari in Closed House Cage Management for 1.5 months.

“MBKM internal apprenticeship cooperation of Animal Science Study Program and PT Cemerlang Unggas Lestari, one of which was held in poultry slaughterhouse of PT. Sahabat Pangan Sejahtera hopefully give the experience for student of Animal Science study program” Said Ir. Rudy Hartanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., as Head of Animal Science Study Program of Universitas Diponegoro. “Hope this activity will sustain and give the chance to the student of Animal Science Study Program of Universitas Diponegoro to get the field experience”, he concluded.

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