To be ranked on the QS World University Rankings is certainly not an easy thing, considering that only 6 universities from Indonesia on the subject of Agriculture are listed on the QS World University Rankings, there is IPB, Gajah Mada University, ITB, Brawijaya University, Hassanudin University, and Diponegoro University.

The Dean of Bachelor Program of Animal Sciences (BPAS) Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono, M.S., M.Agr., IPU said that the achievements made by BPAS Diponegoro University in achieving the 400+ ranking were inseparable from the support of all the existing academic community. According to him, all study programs that have been accredited superior, international students, student exchanges, intensive research, and community service carried out by lecturers, downstream of research results, and complete infrastructure and ASIIN accreditation which 3 BPAS Diponegoro University Study Programs successfully achieved in 2022 have supported this achievement.

He added, on the subject of QS World University ranking, Diponegoro University plans to increase the number of public lectures and invite guest lecturers from the best universities in the world, organize student and lecturer exchanges at the international level, conduct research collaborations with partner universities abroad, organize summer schools more often, and lecture methods with an English introduction. In the future, it is hoped that the name BPAS Diponegoro University will be more fluttering and recognized worldwide.