Not only at the national level, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture (FPP) of Diponegoro University has now begun to get attention at the international level. In 2021, FPP Undip is flying again because it has succeeded in being ranked 801+ world campuses based on a ranking carried out by Times Higher Education (THE). In the life science category, FPP Undip received a detailed score of 8.4 for citations, 45 for industry income, 21.9 in the international outlooks section, 7.00 for research, and 11.8 in the teaching section. Overall scores obtained by Undip in the field of life science are at 8.3-19.1. It is clear that this achievement is very proud considering that FPP Undip continues to strive for internationalization.

Still reported from THE, at the national level, Undip’s ranking in the field of life science is ranked 4. The first place is occupied by the University of Indonesia with a score of 19.15. After that, there was Hassanudin University with a score of 16.22. Followed by Universitas Airlangga with an achievement of 12.1325. Then Diponegoro University with a value of 10.9275. Underneath it is Padjadjaran University with a score of 10.1. Only in sixth place is Universitas Brawijaya with an achievement value of 9.7875. If this positive trend is maintained, it is very possible that Undip’s ranking in the field of life science can continue to rise and become the best.

As stated by the Dean of Undip FPP, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono, M.S., M.Agr., IPU who said that the achievements made by Undip FPP could not be separated from the support of all the existing academic community. According to him, all study programs that have been accredited A, international students, student exchanges, research and intensive community service carried out by lecturers, downstream research results, and complete infrastructure have supported this achievement. In the future, it is hoped that the name of Undip FPP will be more prominent and known to the world.

Future plans that will be carried out by FPP Undip are to hold more public lectures and guest lecturers from the world’s top universities, to hold student and lecturer exchanges at the international level, to conduct research collaborations with partner universities abroad, to organize more massive summer schools, to lecture methods. with an English introduction.