Universitas Diponegoro held a scientific presentation on the candidate Undip professor, Agus Setiadi, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., from the Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences (FPP)

Candidate professor and Deputy Dean for Resources from FPP, Agus Setiadi, stated that he was ready to support scientific improvement, especially at FPP UNDIP, as part of requirements for the academic title becoming Professor. In the presentation, Agus Setiadi informed that the farmers’ welfare is still low. This is due to low scale of ownership, low level technology used and price fluctuation. Therefore, it will effect farmer’ income.

“The income of breeders or farmers is still low due to the small number of business scales, the low application of technology and others. Increasing the number of business scales need attention from many stakeholders to strengthen aspects such as improve technological application, improve farm management, improve the role of farmer’ group as well as price guarantee”, Agus Setiadi added.

Pak Agus Setiadi also added that agricultural contracts or pola kemitraan is one of the strategies to maintan the selling price of agricultural products. Big company will provide input and production facilities, farmers will provide labor and land. Moreover, the agricultural product from the farmers will be repurchased by agriculture company.

Good luck Mr Agus