In an effort to protect regional languages ​​and literature and to enrich regional language data in the form of films, the Center for Language and Literature Development and Protection, the Language Development and Development Agency again held the 2022 Regional Language Short Film Festival (FFPBD). students, students, and the community to express creativity, make innovations, build the spirit of diversity in the archipelago, and increase love for the Indonesian people in the midst of diversity which is manifested in the form of short films in regional languages.

Themes and Subthemes

The theme of the 2022 Regional Language Short Film Festival is “Revitalizing Regional Languages, Caring for National Diversity” with the following sub-themes.

  1. Local Wisdom Values
  2. Regional Phenomena and Situations

Participant Terms

Participation of participants in this festival must meet the following conditions:

  1. Participants are Indonesian citizens (WNI) domiciled in Indonesia and have an identity card (KTP or student card).
  2. Participants are teams or individuals.
  3. Participants make short films in the form of fiction films (not documentaries).
  4. Participants are only allowed to submit one work.
  5. Participants must follow the Instagram accounts of the Language Development and Development Agency (@badanlanguagekemendikbud) and the Language and Literature Diversity Laboratory (@labbineka) and disseminate information about the Regional Language Short Film Festival through social media.
  6.  Participants are divided into two categories, namely:
    • SMA/SMK/equivalent category.
    • Student/general category.
  7. There is no charge for participants.

Terms of Work

Regional language films that are included in this festival must meet the following requirements.

  1. The work does not contain elements of SARA, pornography, politics, violence, and harsh words that are not in accordance with ethics or attack/corner certain parties.
  2. The work is original, does not violate copyright/intellectual property rights (IPR) and the ethics of making copyrighted works (not imitations) and does not contain violations of applicable laws in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. The work does not contain elements of deviation from the Broadcasting Code of Conduct (P3) and Broadcast Program Standards (SPS).
  4. The work is a short film with MP4 Full HD (1080p) format, 16:9 aspect ratio, and 25 fps.
  5. The work has a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes, including the opening title and credit title. Movies that are less than 5 minutes or more than 15 minutes long will be disqualified. Films must include the opening title (bumper opening) which has been provided by the committee. (The opening title can be downloaded at the link
  6. Works produced in 2021-2022.
  7. The work is never bound by a contract agreement with another party.
  8. The narration/dialogue in the film uses regional languages ​​and includes subtitles in accordance with good and correct Indonesian rules.
  9. The logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology must be included at the top right of the work during the film.
  10. Music and sound must be original or own work. Participants can use free music (free royalty music) by including a link to the source, such as the creator or singer. Participants attach permission to use the song owner, if using copyrighted music.


The Center for Language and Literature Development and Protection, Language Development and Development Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has the right to use/distribute all works that have been sent to the Language Development and Development Agency. The copyright of the submitted work remains the property of the participant. If at a later date there is a copyright lawsuit, the committee is not responsible for it. The committee also reserves the right to disqualify and cancel the winner if fraud is found. The jury’s decision is binding and cannot be contested.

Enrollment Mechanism

The procedure for participating in the 2022 Regional Language Film Festival is as follows.

  1. Participants register via the link by completing all registration 
  • documents consisting of
  • registration form,
  • statement of originality,
  • movie script,
  • caption script,
  • music copyright license,
  • identity cards of all team members,
  • screenshot following the Instagram accounts @badanBahasakemendikbud and @labbineka, and
  • screenshot of posting of local language short film festival (FFPBD) info on social media accounts.
  1. Participants submit their work no later than July 30, 2022.
  2. All registration file templates can be downloaded via the link

4. All registration documents are in Times New Roman 12 font on A4 paper and saved in PDF format with the following                  conditions.

  • The registration form is saved with the file name FFPB2022_FormList_[Team name]_[Category].pdf.
  • The statement letter is saved with the file name FFPB2022_Originality_[Team Name]_[Category].pdf.
  • Manuscripts are saved with the file name FFPB2022_Naskah_[Team Name]_[Category].pdf.
  • Subtitles are saved with the file name FFPB2022_Takarir_[Team Name]_[Category].pdf.
  • License to use music copyright with file name FFPB2022_IzinHC_[Team Name]_[Category].pdf.
  • Identity Cards of all team members are stored with the file name FFPB2022_ID_[Team Name]_{Category].pdf.
  • The film work is uploaded to YouTube with the title FFPB2022_[Team Name]_[Title]_[Category] and the upload format is not public (unlisted).
  • The YouTube link (link) of the uploaded film is informed in the column provided on the submission form.


The judges team consisted of film industry players, academics, and representatives from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

Assessment Criteria

The aspects that become the criteria for evaluating regional language films include:

  1. Theme suitability;
  2. Film strengths which consist of clarity of articulation of regional languages, consistency, innovation and creativity, moral messages, directing, scenario writing, film settings (film settings), sound system, camera management, artistic (costumes, colors in film visuals), and film editing ; as well as
  3. Elements of film content, such as not containing SARA, pornography, politics, violations of applicable laws in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, and deviations from the Broadcasting Code of Conduct (P3) and Broadcast Program Standards (SPS).

Rating Terms

The provisions for the assessment of short films in regional languages ​​are as follows.

  1. The assessment of the 2022 Regional Language Short Film Festival is carried out by the judges.
  2. Films are judged as a whole from beginning to end.
  3. The assessment is carried out in stages according to the number of films submitted.
  4. The weight of the assessment is in the range of 50—100.
  5. The results of the jury selection are final and cannot be contested.

Announcement of Winners and Prizes

The winner of the 2022 Regional Language Short Film Festival will be announced in October 2022 via the page Each winner will receive an award certificate and cash fund with the following details.

Category SMA/SMK and Equivalent

  • 1st Place : IDR 12,000,000.00
  • 2nd Place : IDR 8.000.000,00
  • 3rd Place : IDR 6,000,000.00
  • Favorite Champion: IDR 3,000,000.00

Category Student and General

  • 1st Place : IDR 14,000,000.00
  • 2nd Place : IDR 10,000,000,00
  • 3rd Place : Rp.8.000.000,00
  • Favorite Champion : IDR 4,000,000.00

Prize tax is borne by the winner in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

For more information, participants can contact the contact person:

Fani Kusumawardani (081372557788)

Leni Mainora (085274909857)

Radityo Gurit (085325200129)

2022 Regional Language Short Film Festival Committee
Center for Language and Literature Development and Protection
Language Development and Cultivation Agency
Indonesia Peace and Security Center area
New Street Km. 4, Tangkil, Bogor Regency


1.Poster Festival Film Pendek Berbahasa Daerah 2022Download
2.Petunjuk Teknis Festival Film Pendek Berbahasa Daerah 2022Download